There are some people who you are forever grateful.
This man
This man
5 years ago
He found himself having ways too much free time besides running his own company and looking after 3 kids, to take into his arm another teenager girl who is not even his relative.
He made a promise, on formal documents that he will be her guardian until she turns 18. That means from the time she stepped her feet onto this land, everything about her, from physical to emotional well-beings, remain his responsibilities.
He taught her to stand on the left of the lift as a matter of courtesy.
He took her out to buy the first VAIO laptop that was her inseparable friend for the first 4 years of her Oz journey, a tool for study and a source of entertainment to keep her busy.
He kept reminding her not to skip the train ticket, so she doesn’t dare to travel without her weekly ticket or to buy a discount one if she is not eligible for.
He attended all the Parents Nights to make sure her study was going consistent. And throughout Year 11, every time after meeting with teachers, she was nagged for spending too much time on Maths and Chinese and for not studying English properly.
When her parents are too far away both geographically and knowledgeably, he took the role of orienter, encourager, and supporter so that she has the confidence to take on that degree at Macquarie Uni and ultimately this career pathway.
He advised her if it is a right suburb to live in when she was (legally) mature enough to rent out a place on her own.
He might not agree with what she has chosen, for the small thing like HSC subject selection, but never interfered in and respected her decision in any situations. From the day when she was 14 and now she is 20, this has never changed and that’s what she always loves about him.
Even when she is out of his guardianship, he is always present on behalf of her parents, at the most important occasions of her life. Today will be like the normal day only except for the moment the Vice-Chancellor asked all the graduates to turn around and give their beloved a big round of applause. And when she noticed the photographer kept referring to him as her Dad.
She is the last kid of his guardianship adventure. But it is a fulfilling full stop to this section of his career, she knows it for sure while he never admitted it to her. Today, looking at the kid who he has witnessed her growing up from a 14-year-old girl to a graduate of one of the most arguably difficult degrees on earth, he is just too proud to say a word.
Love you, Uncle

P/S: Our proper photo together taken today will be delivered by mail in few weeks hihi